Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to Win My Love and Affection

1. Praise me when I do something good. Like "Good job, girl, you picked up the dirty socks off the floor." Simple, yet effective.

2. Wings. And beer. Pierogies and kielbasa help, too.

Provide very specific feedback when you are reviewing copy. Specific, not general. It won't hurt my feelings. Just tell me what you want. It's ok.

4. Be nice to me. No mean words. No snarky comments. Nice words like, "Mommy, you're awesome even when you're giving me a time out. I love you." or "You lost 5 lbs." or "This is the most perfect copy ever written in the history of man."

5. Be yourself. Meaning, don't forget who you are or where you came from. Be honest. Don't put on airs. What I appreciate most is simplicity and honesty and that means no airs or masks or keeping up with the Joneses (or Kardashians, etc.).

And I'm done.Simple. Easy. I'm happy.

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