Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to Piss Me Off

Just so you know, here's a nice list about how to annoy me. Don't try this at home. I will find you and beat your butt.

1. Forget to put chocolate in my cafe mocha. Um, hello, key ingredient. I shouldn't have to run to CVS to buy a $8 box of Splenda and $2 bottle of chocolate syrup to add to my $3.00 coffee.

Thanks, Ukrops. I won't miss your shitty coffee when your store closes and becomes Martin's. Or your overpriced merchandise, either.

2. Not having enough parking spaces in your parking deck so that I'm driving around for 15 minutes and late for my doctor appointment. Thanks, St. Marys.

3. Micromanage. Or have a printer that breaks down. Or take my stapler.

4. Call me at 7:30 a.m. while the bus is picking up my children that school is canceled when we all knew that it would be snowing like crazy today. Um, call BEFORE the buses come. Not during or after. Idiots. Pull the trigger. Have some balls. Make a decision.

5. See above. Rinse, lather, repeat on any given day.

Next post: how to win my love and affection. I swear I'm really a very positive person. Really. Just not today.

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